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Due to unforseen circumstances, we are no longer providing Mobile Tanning Services and this business is currently for Sale. Please contact 0404 345 433 with any queries relating to the website..

The most effective spray-tanning solutions available contain the active ingredient DHA (dihydroxyacetone). This is a colourless sugar that interacts with dead cells in the outer layers of your skin. As this sugar intereacts, a colour change occurs in that will normally last between 5 and 7 days (with correct maintenance). Infused with aloe Vera and green tea extract, our tanning solutions are made in Australia using the highest grade DHA available).
Sydney Mobile Spray Tanning:
- Spray Tanning In your Own Home or Workplace
- Qualified, Professional And Friendly Staff
- Beautiful Natural Looking Tan in 10 Mins
- Higest Quality DHA Tanning Solutions Used
- Won't Streak - Fades just like Natural Tan
- Latest in 2 Hour Spray Tanning solutions
- Perfect for Weddings & Special Occasions
- Discounts Apply For Any Group Bookings